Woe! It’s Wednesday: Homeward Bound

Well, if we’re not home by now, we will be very soon.

download (2)I’m either a Golden Heart® winner or still and always a finalist.

I either visited the Alamo or I didn’t.

I either got to meet some of my inspirations (Nora Roberts, Kristan Higgins) or I’m still a hopeful fan.

I either survived the Texas weather or I’m a melted puddle on the floorboard of the car.

But it doesn’t really matter what happened (or didn’t) in San Antonio. I had a fabulous time, met old friends, made new ones, and enjoyed a trip with Stud Muffin.

And that’s enough.

Book Talk Tuesday: Delusion in Death

I don’t know how she does it, but JD Robb gets better with every book. She’s so prolific and a part of me keeps thinking she’s going to start showing the wear and tear on her muse, get a little worn around the edges. Instead, she’s honing her edge and her muse has never been better.

download (1)Delusion in Death is a Lt. Eve Dallas story. She’s back from the city of Dallas where she ran into her mother and an evil serial killer. She’s still bothered by nightmares but of course, her husband Roarke, is keeping an eye on her and providing comfort.

In Delusion in Death mass hallucinations have resulted in nearly 100 deaths in a neighborhood bar. Dallas and her team are the investigators. Have terrorists perfected a chemical weapon? What could make a crowded room full of people all have violent episodes?

Nora Roberts (JD Robb) has written a gripping who-done-it, that’s also part how-done-it. Her characters continue to grow and change but they remain themselves. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.

If all goes well, I may get to meet Ms. Roberts in person while I’m in San Antonio! I’m beyond thrilled at even the possibility. I’ll keep you posted!

Media Monday: Looking Forward

I’m in the middle of Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, the author of Seabiscuit.

downloadUnbroken is the story of Louis Zamperini, a World War II veteran who survived in spite of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Unbroken, like Seabiscuit before it, is being made into a movie. I’m so looking forward to this one.

I bought the book for Stud Muffin for Christmas a couple of years ago and he loved it. He said I had to read it. I am. It’s gripping and amazing and will make a visually stunning movie. I’m sure of it.

Woe! It’s Wednesday: The Big Time

Just about the time this posts, Stud Muffin and I should be pulling into San Antonio for the Romance Writers of America national conference.

toesI think I’ve mentioned that I’m a finalist in the Golden Heart ® contest.


God willing, we’ve had a good trip, no breakdowns. I’m writing this in faith and hope because right now the car is still in the garage, my dress is still at the seamstress’s, and my mind is still in a fog.

I’ve been to writing conferences before, so I kinda-sorta think I know what to expect. But the emails have been flying furiously and I’m having all kinds of doubts and differing ideas.

I bought a portable phone-recharger, in case I run out of battery power during the day.

I’ve downloaded the RWA® app, so I can plug in my meetings and appointments and the workshops I don’t want to miss.

I missed the deadline to pre-order the conference recordings. Guess I didn’t need them after all. Or at least not at the bargain price.

I bought a fan to keep in the hotel bathroom so I can hopefully do my hair and makeup and stay cool enough that everything doesn’t melt off as soon as I finish.

I’ve gotten my last pedicure and added gold hearts to my toes.

I’m as ready as I can be.

Onward to San Antonio!


Book Talk Tuesday: A Distant Melody

This one sat on my Kindle far too long before I finally read it.


A Distant Melody by Sarah Sundin is delightful.

World War II pilot Walter Novack is home on leave for his buddy’s wedding. He’s often tongue-tied around unattached women. The only exception seems to be the bride’s friend, Allie.

Except Allie is spoken for. She’s expected to marry her father’s top executive and keep the business in the family. Allie has always gone along with her parents’ wishes. Until she meets Walt and he awakens something in her. Not rebellion, exactly, but more like the desire to do what God asks of her.

When Walt learns Allie has a boyfriend, he retreats but his affection is too strong. He would rather be her friend, then not to talk to her at all. Walt and Allie trade letters for months, while Allie learns more about God and what it means to be an obedient Christian.

I really enjoyed this one.

Sarah Sundin’s research and familiarity with World War II is impeccable. The characters are real and full. I highly recommend  A Distant Melody.