Book Talk Tuesday: WHEN WE FOUND HOME

Susan Mallery’s segue from romance only author to romance and women’s fiction has been rather seamless and painless for this fan. I’ve loved her romance, especially her Fool’s Gold and Happily, Inc. series. But her women’s fiction is also engaging. It has Mallery’s trademark humor and some eccentric secondary characters, but the issues are real and handled with heart.


In When We Found Home, there are three point of view characters: Delaney, Callie, and Malcolm. Callie and Malcolm have discovered they’re half-siblings with another half-sister, Keira, who’s twelve years old. Their grandfather has brought them together to be a family. Each was raised differently and they struggle to put their disparate lives together into a new kind of family.

Delaney has also gone through tremendous upheaval in the last few months. She’s dating Malcolm, but not sure she deserves him and a happy ever after.


I loved this one!

Family dynamics can be challenging even for traditional families. I’m not unfamiliar with the issues that arise when you add half- and step-members and create a blended family. Mallery did a great job showing that love and grace and acceptance go a long way, which is a good lesson for all of us.


I received a free advance copy of When We Found Home from the author, in exchange for a honest review. Which I’ve done.