Media Monday: Podcasts


I listen to lots of podcasts while I’m driving. Since I live at least twenty minutes from shopping/restaurants/doctors/coffee shops/church/most friends, that means I listen a lot.

Some of my current faves:

Mike Rowe: The Way I Heard It. Part Paul Harvey’s The Rest of the Story, part Mike’s inimitable story telling with a twist, this is a short podcast. Each episode is about ten minutes and I finish it with a smile on my face.

Malcolm Gladwell: Revisionist History. I’m a Gladwell fangirl and this podcast is only fueling my obsession. I don’t always agree with his conclusions, but they’re presented logically, concisely, and without the emotional presuppositions that detract from many other social commentators offerings. We’re in Season 3 and the episodes have included topics such as the reliability of memory, immigration policies, and traumatic brain injuries. Fascinating.

Relevant Magazine: Relevant Magazine Podcast This is the first podcast I listened to regularly and I still enjoy it, even though I’m older than their demographic target audience. They’ve given me a different perspective on some issues, and are a funny bunch as well.

You Must Remember This: “The Podcast About the Secret and/or Forgotten History of Hollywood’s First Century.” I’ve listened to seasons as varied as the Blacklist, Dead Blondes, Jean (Seberg) and Jane (Fonda), and Boris (Karloff) and Bela (Lugosi). Fascinating stuff!

Also in my subscription list, although these are of the I’ll-listen-when-I-get-around-to-it variety as opposed to Oooh-a-new-episode-must listen-now kind.

Jen Hatmaker

TED Radio Hour

How to Human

Ask Science Mike

What are your favorite podcasts???

I’m always looking for something to keep me occupied that doesn’t involve eating, texting, or Words with Friends while driving.