Book Talk Tuesday: Kiss Me by Susan Mallery

KISS ME is the best Fool’s Gold book yet, in my opinion. And it’s definitely an atypical Fool’s Gold book.

Kiss Me by Susan Mallery
Kiss Me by Susan Mallery

Phoebe has been suspended from her Los Angeles job because she took the fall for her boss. Her tender heart is always getting her into trouble. Her friend Maya urges Phoebe to go back to Maya’s home town and accompany her on a cattle drive her step-brother is organizing. Phoebe is unprepared for how much she loves the country and, unexpectedly, how much she’s attracted to the rugged cowboy leading the group across the Fool’s Gold hills with a bunch of cattle.

Zane Nicholson is conducting a cattle drive for greenhorns against his better judgement, but he needs to teach his kid brother a lesson. So here he is, keeping track of kids, senior citizens, steers, horses, and Phoebe. Why the city girl caught his attention when they’re so obviously wrong for each other is beyond him.

The chemistry between Phoebe and Zane is palpable. The story is engaging and quick. Many elements of the usual Fool’s Gold story are missing. No gabfests at Jo’s Bar. No break-up scene when the hero decides the heroine is better off without him. No night of margarita’s as the heroine’s girlfriends surround her with comfort and tequila. The sex didn’t show up in the first hundred pages. Maybe not even the second hundred. The graphic sex is the one element of Fool’s Gold that I don’t love, so it would have worked for me if Mallery had left it off the page completely. But still, I’ll take what I can get. I think the delay in having sex works for Phoebe and Zane. They are so different, they need the time to get to know each other before acting on their attraction.

And it totally works. I didn’t even miss Jo’s Bar or the margaritas. I loved this one! And now I can’t wait for THRILL ME, coming next month.

**I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.

Media Monday: Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries is a Canadian television series with eight seasons.

Murdoch Mysteries
Murdoch Mysteries

Detective William Murdoch of the Toronto Constabulary works to solve crimes in 1890’s Toronto Canada. Dr. Julia Ogden is the coroner/pathologist. They spar, they flirt, they work together to put villains behind bars or into the hangman’s noose.

Friends from my local Sisters in Crime chapter recommended this series. It had several elements we enjoy so we decided to give it a try.

  • It blends fictional stories with real life people. Nikola Tesla, Harry Houdini, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle have all made appearances.
  • It’s rooted firmly in the past but with nods to contemporary elements, much like the Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock Holmes movies. Forensics and pathology and investigative techniques all play parts in the plots.
  • The stories/mysteries/crimes are well constructed, although it often falls into the usual TV trap of introducing the culprit as one of the first witnesses to be cleared, but then come under suspicion again later.
  • It has strong characters who spar and memorable secondary characters. Stud Muffin has taken to calling people “ye mucker,” like Murdoch’s supervisor Inspector Thomas Brackenreid.

We watched the first three seasons on Netflix Streaming. The rest of the seasons we’ll have to get from Netflix DVDs or the local library.

The things we don’t like:

  • Some of the attitudes of the characters are a bit too 21st century, and not true to late-Victorian era mores.
  • As noted above, sometimes the culprit is easy to figure out just because he or she was eliminated early in the investigation.

But those are easily forgivable. We’ve enjoyed the first three seasons and we’ll continue to watch. What are you binge-watching this summer?

Woe! It’s Wednesday: Community

Stud Muffin and I have been talking recently about community. What it is. How do you develop it? How do you find it? Can community be legislated? Or does it have to happen organically?

With social media, we see plenty of online communities forming around common interests and hobbies. But I’m talking about something deeper, the feeling that you’re my people and I’m yours.

Lincoln Cathedral, from Wikimedia CommonsWhen we moved to Southern California back in the mid-1980s, we found a church right away. We had friends in the area and they told us where they attended. We liked it and never visited anywhere else. It was a big church (still is), especially to two wide-eyed bumpkins transplanted from the sticks to the big city. But we felt at home right away.

Whenever we met anyone new at church, they always asked three questions.

  • Are you in a Sunday School class?
  • Are you in a small group?
  • What’s your ministry?

There was a recognition that with a large church, being connected had to be intentional. Everyone was expected to answer those three questions.

Our answers:

  • Yes! We’re in Bereans.
  • Yes! We meet with several other couples regularly for Bible study and prayer.
  • Uh … ministry?

That third one took a little longer, but we both found a niche. Even Stud Muffin whose church attendance in those days was sporadic, due to his work hours. I served in Mothers Class (the precursor to MOPS, back in the dark ages), Pioneer Girls, and as a substitute Sunday school teacher. Stud Muffin served as an usher.

The friends we made during those years are still our community. They’re the ones we call when life knocks us down.

Stud Muffin and I have talked about why those connections have lasted. We don’t really have an answer.

It could be the difference in Southern and Central California.

Southern California is full of people not from there, so they’re used to making community, from and blooming where they’re planted. Central California has more people who grew up here and have family close by and have never needed to go looking for a friend.

Or it could be the season of life we were in then. There’s a shared history. We’ve known each other a long time now and we’ve seen our children grow up together.

But we have made good friends here, both in Central California and at a later stage in life, so neither of those theories seem to be valid. Although I found it telling that when life kicked us in the gut in early 2014, our first calls were to family, our Southern California community, and then to a few local friends. Only one of those locals was at our church. We did tell our table group in our Sunday school class, but not until Sunday. I only called one church friend when we were still trying to figure out what happened and what we were doing and what was going on.

I’m not angry or bitter (any more – I admit to some frustration when we were trying to find a new community when we first moved back to the Valley).

Our church is currently pushing involvement in small groups and connecting and community. It’s what I wanted for a long time. now that it’s here? My reaction: a yawn.

I wonder if it’s because I’m simply tired from trying to build this on my own. When we first moved to the area, we assumed we’d gather a new community like the one we’d left. We invited people to parties, over for dinner or dessert. All invitations were met with varying amounts of coolness.

  • Oh, we’d love to, but you guys live so far out. Why don’t we meet you at (INSERT RESTAURANT)?
  • Oh … I’ll have to check my calendar and get back to you … (INSERT CRICKETS).

I had one person tell me that while we were welcome to attend (INSERT CHURCH NAME), in their experience, people who lived as far out of town as we did didn’t stick, they got tired of driving and found another church closer to home. That was 23 years ago. We’re still there. And now we’re not the only people who make that drive. In fact, there’s some people who (gasp!) drive even longer to get there! Which is a testimony that it is a great church with solid teaching and good people. Even if it takes a while to feel part of things.

I also had one person (this was in the dark ages, before cell phones), who was putting together a phone tree, ask me if the person ahead of me on the tree could call me collect. 

Yep. Way to make me feel welcome. I cried in the car on the way home from that meeting. BTW, that person moved away a few years later. She visits occasionally but I can’t bring myself to go say hi. Petty, I know. Welcome to my evil, petty heart. But stay away from my phone bill. Smile

Even before we settled on a church, we tried to form community in our community. In SoCal, if I ran out of sugar or milk, a half-dozen neighbors were within reach and happy to share. My new neighbors were willing to share too, but I soon noticed they never ran out of anything and needed to borrow from So I got the message. Neighbors weren’t expected to be neighborly. We shared a street name in our address and that was it. Now we wave occasionally and everyone seems happy.

Of course, for every rule there is the exception. We have one neighbor family who actually does seem to enjoy our company and regularly invite us over for a front yard meal of lingua tacos or tripas. Neither of which I eat, but Stud Muffin loves both. Our neighbors know I’m squeamish and always have carne asada on hand for me. Plate Now that’s neighborly!

And I do have a few friends I know I can call when I need something. It’s only taken a couple of decades, but we’ve found our community.

And apparently it’s time to be open to expand. I’m trying. Or at least I want to try.

Wow, this is a long tale of Woe! Thanks for sticking with me, both physically and on the web.

What’s your take on community? What does it look like to you?

Book Talk Tuesday: ALL RIGHT HERE

This is an excellent book I picked up on a whim and enjoyed very much.

The blurb: The family you want isn’t always the family you need.

ALL RIGHT HERE is the first in what looks to be a new series about the Darling Family. I know, I know, it’s almost too cute, but the writing isn’t cutesy or twee or precious. The book is by Carre Armstrong Gardner.

ARHALL RIGHT HERE is the story of Ivy Darling and her husband Nick. They can’t have children and become instant guardians to three children from next door when their mother abandons them. Nick is determined not to get attached. Ivy dives in and is soon busy with her home, her job, and her new kids. Nick isn’t actively mean or neglectful, just more disinterestedly observant.

As Ivy becomes more involved in her own life and Nick disengages more, even sometimes belittling and demeaning Ivy, their lives head toward a seeming breakdown.

My only complaint is that in the beginning, Ivy seemed too passive. She just took Nick’s family’s disrespect and didn’t stand up for herself at all. She got better as the book went on, so I concede that her passivity was part of her character arc.

The children are real enough to walk off the page and into your minivan. There’s the tough-exteriored and protective older brother, the younger sister who loves all things girly and the youngest brother, still needing security and food in his life, as well as some Pull-Ups. Winking smile 

The book is excellently written, with a depth of emotion rare in a debut author. The story issues are real and heartfelt. I highly recommend this one!

Woe! It’s Wednesday: Tis the Season …

… for graduations! We’ve attended several parties, purchased gifts and cards aplenty, and even attended an actual ceremony. Well, Stud Muffin did. I had a previous engagement.

gradHe was quite pleased to receive the invitation and even more pleased to attend. He said it was the nicest graduation he’d ever been to. I hope he means after his own, mine, and our daughters’ ceremonies. Winking smile

Maybe it’s just me, but graduations bring thoughts of endings and beginnings. Of scary things and change and the unknown.

Things I had no idea about when I graduated from high school:

  • That I wasn’t as smart as I thought
  • That the years ahead would be full of happiness and heartache, about in equal measure.
  • Cell phones and computers and VHS players

I like to think I’m a bit smarter now. But you know that saying, You don’t know what you don’t know? I still often have no idea about what I don’t know, much less what I do know. I’ve forgotten some things that would often come in quite handy. Diagramming sentences. How to change a tire. Some passwords.

I look forward to hearing stories about these new graduates making their way in the unknown world of adulthood.

I’m proud of the graduates we know. And their parents!

Congratulation Class of 2015!